Documenting a Day

We were expected to explore and contrast the features of word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, and database applications in week 3 of TEC 101 Fundamentals of Information Technology & Literacy, while also reflecting on our prior experience writing journal entries, computing percentages, developing presentations, and working with databases. Describe the benefits and drawbacks of each application.As a result, this blog will be broken down into four parts, one for each application, with a final reflection on the experience.

Part 1: Word Processor

Part 1 will involve me utilizing the word processing program Word to create a journal entry on one day in my life.

February 06 

Today task list : 
Work meeting 
30 min reading 
Check emails / update blog 
Walk the dog 
Buy milk

I got ready for the gym at around 6:00 a.m., but first I had to brush my teeth, look for my gym clothing, and find my gym bag. I worked out at the gym for approximately an hour, doing three rounds of dumbbell curls and 30 minutes of cardio and warm-up exercises. I then returned home at 7:30 am to take a shower and have breakfast. I have to leave the house at 11:45 am in order to make it to work by 1 pm as I take the train. So I read, watched some TV, and caught up on my emails during the hour before work. I also recall that before leaving the house, I had to walk my dog and make sure there would be food and drink available for him while I was gone. In order to return home to a clean house without having to do anything extra later, I also had to run the dishwasher and put my clothes in the dryer before leaving.

The majority of the day was relatively slow at work; since I have a commission-based position, I wish there had been more foot traffic. Who doesn't enjoy their job being busy since it makes the time pass more quickly.Although I dislike customer service because I believe that people are overly entitled and constantly believe they are right, I know that dealing with difficult clients all day requires me to turn on the charm.

Since I didn't want to go to the mail and deal with the crowds for lunch or dinner, I used up getting a chicken wrap at Safeway. However, now that it is 9:00 pm, I must board the train home and begin my homework. However, before I could do that, I had to take a shower, perform my nightly routine, and do my daily facial. But given my propensity for getting sidetracked by my phone and YouTube, it took me roughly an hour. Now that it's 11:30 p.mI'm heading to bed in the hopes of getting a good night's sleep.

Lets recap today in a list:
20 mins reading 
Grocery shopping 
7 hours of sleep 

Review of a word processor: Considering I'm used to using the notes app on my iPhone, I actually found it unusual to use a word processor for a daily task. But I do appreciate how the word processor corrects my minor errors and my misspellings. In contrast to messy handwriting, word processors contain fonts that make the text clear or easy to read.

Part 2: Excel
In part 2, I'll use the spreadsheet program Excel to determine how much time is spent on various activities.

Part 3 Powepoint

In Part 3, I'll use the PowerPoint presentation program to make a slideshow that graphically illustrates the chores i noted in my Word notebook.

Part 4:Role of Applications Reflection Essay 

Part 4: Inquiring into how writing a journal entry has affected me.

When I think back on my experiences with all four software programs, I'd say that Word and PowerPoint were my favorites and the simplest to use, as opposed to Excel, where I constantly run into issues when making my data table and applying the formulas. Excel made it simple to make the pie chart, but it was difficult to figure out the percentages. Words and PowerPoint allow me to be creative, which is why I find it to be the most enjoyable.

Basically, the four applications serve quite distinct purposes, are intended for different uses, and have very different features. Therefore, a word processor, such as Microsoft Words, is used to write essays, letters, documents, or anything else that involves creating a report or a résumé. You can upload images and pictures, and this is perhaps the only thing that all three applications have in common. “A word processor creates a file that holds text together with formatting information, often using a unique filename extension like myfile.docx for Microsoft Word” , as stated in chapter 5.1. ( Vahid, F., & Lysecky, S. ,2019). One of Words' advantages is the ability to adjust the front styles, size, and form as well as locate and correct grammatical faults.

As for spreadsheets aka Microsoft Excel is meant for data collecting, graphing, creating data, storing data, and spreadsheets.  Excel helps manage data information like students in college, office stuff or even hospital records. According to the definition given in chapter 5, "a spreadsheet application is a common computer application for representing tables of data like text or numbers, for utilizing formulae to calculate data from other data (such sums or averages), and for making graphical charts from data."( Vahid, F., & Lysecky, S. ,2019). One of the features of Excel is the ability to utilize formulas to build data tables, calculate tip percentages, or use arithmetic expressions with operators like + to manage data.

Data, workshops, and show sideshows are presented using presentation, also known as Microsoft Powerpoint. It's a good technique to deliver data visually or to your intended viewers. A presentation app is a computer program used to produce a slideshow of text and visuals, frequently with animation, as discussed in chapter 5. A slideshow is made up of various distinct "slides."( Vahid, F., & Lysecky, S. ,2019). My favorite feature of Powerpoint is the ability to create presentations using either one of the pre-made templates or your own original ideas. You can apply animation effects because it's a creative technique to keep viewers' interest.

A database application is a system made up of data to support client data, sales transactions, or other access. The target tech blog makes reference to “A database is a collection of data that has been organized to make it simple to manage and update. Data records or files containing information, including as sales transactions, customer information, financial data, and product information, are often aggregated and stored in computer databases.”(Lutkevich, 2021)

Microsoft Word

Advantages : A word processor's benefits include making documents and letters easier to read than handwritten notes. Additionally, you can modify or write on the same document as someone else using word processors such as Google Docs. Additionally, you have the option of changing the paper's size and format.

Disadvantage: The free ones, like Google Docs, require internet access in order to be used, unlike the majority of word processors that demand memberships or subscriptions. Another disadvantage is that words contain many functions that a typical person wouldn't utilize and they lack instructions on how to use them.

Microsoft Excel

Advantages: Excel has some great benefits, like the ability to store data and produce charts and other graphics for data fans. Excel can be used to perform calculations for keeping track of your accounts or budgets.

Disadvantage:One of the disadvantages of Excel that I observe while completing the practice is that it is quite sensitive to even the smallest errors, making it challenging to get it properly. Which brings me to my next argument, which is that since there are so many Excel formulas and codes and mastering them requires skills.

Microsoft Powerpoint

Advantages : Powerpoint includes a lot of features you may use to create presentations and slideshows, giving the user a lot of creative control. Additionally, it is simple, helpful for visual learners, and allows you to view your work on a variety of platforms, including desktop, mobile apps, and other computers. 

Disadvantage: One disadvantage of PowerPoint is that, unlike Word or other programs, it doesn't automatically save changes. Additionally, the fact that it depends on how people use PowerPoint can have an impact on the disadvantages when used incorrectly because people can utilize the tools incorrectly, overwrite a slide with text, or distract from the information with excessive animation. Additionally, compared to Google Slides, where you could real-time collaborate, it's not a suitable tool for teamwork.

Database Application

Advantages : Implementing a database management system will create a more integrated image of your operations by clearly demonstrating how procedures in one area of the organization affect other segments, says the pipeline blog.(Pizzo, 2021) An advantage would be its better data sharing and data security.

Disadvantage: I think a database application's drawbacks would be its expense and the frequent updates and upgrades it requires, which might be at the expense of the front-end users.

Word processor is the program I would use to record the details of my day since I can easily add to a list or treat it like a journal entry, as I did in part one, and with Google Doc, I can still access that page and add tasks and details about my day in real time. I don't have to worry about losing my work because it can simply autosave, and I can change the document and the information afterwards to make it appear great. If necessary, I may also include pictures or photographs. Excel probably won't fully capture my day's activities until I'm attempting to obtain some sort of data returns.Microsoft Word is designed for simple word processing documents like letters, which you can create with it.

Microsoft Word

College students are a target audience because they frequently write lengthy lab reports or essays that require creativity. Microsoft Word is designed for producing these documents, and its user-friendly design features let you create a library of essential forms like the one above. Last but not least, Words has a spelling and grammar checker that could correct minor mistakes and let them structure the paper whatever they wanted.

Microsoft Excel

Making an inventory list or records for a small business or store is an instance in which Microsoft Excel would be most beneficial. because it's probably the most affordable tool for data organization and inventory management. You may more accurately categorize, tag, and label inventory goods with an Excel-based inventory management system to increase team awareness.

Microsoft Powerpoint

Due to its ability to provide information in a visual format that captures the audience's attention and makes it more fascinating, Powerpoint can be effective in situations when it is necessary to demonstrate or promote a brand or business idea.

Database Application

A database can be helpful in situations like online shopping or websites where users' information is saved so they can access it later and check out more quickly to acquire the newest pair of shoes without having to type it all over.


Lutkevich. (2021, September 17). DEFINITION: database (DB).,data%2C%20financials%20and%20product%20information

Pizzo. (2021, April 6). Benefits of database management systems (DBMS) | ZoomInfo. Pipeline Blog.

Vahid, F., & Lysecky, S. (2019). Computing technology for all. zyBooks.


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